Fireplace mount’s are sleek, stylish, and Eco-friendly. Fireplace wall mount’s are the latest fashion in interior home design, and they’re catching on like – well – wildfire.

Here are some good reasons that’s you might want to spend in a Fireplace wall mount:

Space- Saving : If you don’t want the bulk of a freestanding wood, gas, or pellet stove, a wall-mount fireplace is an excellent alternative. They come in a wide range of styles and shapes, so whether you live in a large home or a flat, it’s easy to find a model that fits perfectly on your available wall space.

Stylish: Mounting a tv over the fireplace is clean, contemporary lines. The interior – called the “media bed” or “ember bed” – may be a combination of driftwood and river rock , crushed glass embers, sand or pebbles.

Easy to Install: Similar to installing a wall-mounted fireplace lcd and fireplace plasma TV, you simply install the wall bracket that’s included with your fireplace near an electrical socket, plug it in, and you are good to go.

Economical: Electric Fireplace mount plug into standard household outlets no re-wiring is wanted and they cost just pennies per hour to operate.
Lasting: Cabinet-high quality wood veneers, hand-applied surface finishes, and excellent hardware ensures that your electric fireplace will withstand a lot of wear and tear.

Safe: The glass top of an electric fireplace stays cool to the touch, making it a perfect option for families with young children.

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