Mounting a tv over fireplace has become highly well-known in the US. Many householders today are mounting LCD and plasma televisions over their fireplaces. But is that right way? Really, with all the heat a fireplace produces, is it right to do that? The short answer is – yes. However, to make sure your television is not damaged from the heat, for this you must have to care to make sure that the heat generated by the fireplace is rerouted away from television.
There are several ways to do this, such as the installation of a proper mantel and building an alcove for the television. In addition, it’s very important to confirm minimum clearances are met. To redirect heat away from television dynamic mounting follow the specifications to install a mantel and build an alcove with their own way such as for installing a mantel they always follow these steps clearances to combustibles, the width of mantel or TV air circulation dimension and for building an alcove clearance to combustibles, the depth of the alcove, height of the alcove.

Fireplaces and TV complement each other magnificently, providing fun, atmosphere and comfort. There are many styles and options for fireplace tv mount that will look great with your television.

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